Yes, the wait is nearly over. As the world's media begin to gather outside Neelams Kebab House and the stars park their helicopters in Aldi's Car Park it's nearly time for the very first Bearwood Shuffle! Glastonbury, Schmastonbury. Not only will you get to enjoy the musical delights of 7 (yes...7!) local artists, there'll be cake too. Yes. Cake. You don't get that at Glastonbury do you? Well, okay, maybe you do but then again you do have to wee in a bush and sleep in a smelly tent.
Anyway, the Bearwood Shuffle. Lightwoods Park Bandstand. This Sunday. 2pm. Sunshine guaranteed...probably.
PS: Did we mention it was FREE!
PPS: But not the cake...what do you want, jam on it?
PPPS: Don't forget to follow us on